Check out our June edition to see what our product team have been working on to make Taxi even better, helping enable you to create your best work!

We work hard every month to make updates to Taxi, to help enable you and your team to create your best work.

Here are our updates for this month:

=' Revision history

You can now access a revision history panel in Taxi, which displays previous changes made to your email. The last 10 edits made and saved by the user can be recalled, enabling you to revert back to an older version of your email with one click.

Learn more about revision history in Taxi→

Email naming conventions

Users can now choose which naming convention to use either when creating a new mailing in a project or when cloning a mailing.

Learn more about email naming conventions→

Naming convention controls when exporting

Taxi now enables you to control whether the mailing name, set by the naming convention, is or isn't editable once exported.

Learn more about naming conventions→

Locked fields in sub-templates

We have updated the sub-template page to tell Taxi users if any fields have been locked in the Master Template. If default or locked content fields have been ticked in the Master template you will see these greyed out and a 'locked by parent' warning.

Learn how to configure your Sub-Template→

Sending test emails

We have updated the dropdown for test email addresses; you will now see them appear in alphabetical order. We have also added a search bar, for you to look up a specific user or team.

Learn how to send test emails to yourself or your colleagues

CDN updated to use HTTPS images

In preparation for the new version of Google Chrome, Taxi's CDN has been updated to use images in a a HTTPS format. HTTP images are now being commonly blocked by many email clients, so changing the default in the CDN will help prevent this from happening.

Find out more about hosting images with the Taxi CDN→

=$ Alphabetical sort order on Project Groups dropdown

Project Groups are now sorted alphabetically in the dropdown, to enable quicker and more logical selections of project groups. Alphabetised Project Groups will appear between 'All Projects' and 'Projects not in a group' in the dropdown.

Find out more about creating and managing Project Groups→

Hosting images with Taxi using a feed

You can now host images on Taxi for Email's CDN that come from your feed. You can do this by opening the Feed that you want to host the images in, and ticking the box Use CDN to host images from this feed".

Learn how to set up a feed→

Editor improvements

We have made improvements to the editor to ensure quicker image caching for a smoother email process. This is great for remote working as it means your emails will load faster, even with slower internet.

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