
In general, use the Guardian Style Guide for reference.

Demo vs Trial

Demo is the call/video that explains what Taxi is and how it works.
Trial is the 30 day period that the user gets to try out Taxi.


Use editors or copywriters to refer to the people who enter content using Taxi.

Editor Interface

Refer to the screen used for editing as the Editor Interface.

Project, Mailing, Version, Template

Should only be used in reference to the respective features in Taxi.
"campaign" can be used to refer to a generic email campaign.


Must always be capitalised


References to a ModuleZone should be one word with a capitalised M and Z. If referring to the actual tag, use <modulezone> (see <tags> below)


Any reference to Taxi as a product must be capitalised.

Taxi for Email

The full name is Taxi for Email (capital letter for Taxi and Email, spaces).


When spaces can't be used (e.g. twitter username), the T and E should still be capitalised if possible.


The domain name, and email addresses, can be lowercase.

Taxi Syntax

Always refer to the Taxi code language as Taxi Syntax. Do not use Taxi Code, Taxi Formatting, Taxi Language etc.


Must always be expressed with < and >, and in italics where possible. You should include the word tag after where relevant. e.g. More examples of using <module> tags:



Taxi Blue


rgb(48, 192, 216)


Alt Light Grey



Dark Grey






White logo on blue

Where possible, this logo should be used. The white logo can also be used over imagery, providing it does not conflict against colours/patterns behind it.

Reversed logo | Blue on white

This logo can be used where the logo on blue does not work, primarily in external publications.

Black on white

Some publications may require a black on white logo.



  • This font is used for headlines in weight 300.
  • It should have -1px letter spacing in HTML.
  • It should have -50 leading.
  • Lato is available on Google Fonts.

Source Sans Pro

  • This font is used for body copy in weight 300, and 600 for bold.
  • Source Sans Pro is available on Google Fonts.

Fallback stack

Where the brand fonts cannot be used, the following fallback stack should be used: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif