In the Add current year snippet we looked at automatically adding the current year to a Design System. Sometimes, however, you may want to make this editable - for example if the email campaign is being set up (and exported) in December but mailed in January. 

In that case, using a combination of the checkbox button and rules, we can make the current year automatic, unless you want to manually change it.

First, we need a checkbox so we can control whether the code is automated or not:

<editable name="copyright" label="Copyright statement">
<field type="checkbox" name="manual" label="Use manual date" default="false">

Then we can add a field that lets editors add manual content. If we put this inside the field tags for the checkbox, this field will only show when the checkbox is set to "on".

<editable name="copyright" label="Copyright statement">
<field type="checkbox" name="manual" label="Use manual date" default="false">
<field type="text" name="content" label="Content" default="Copyright → BrandName 2016. All rights reserved"></field>

Lastly, we can then add a couple of content tags, and use rules to decide which content should show when the checkbox is set to on or off:

<content replace="Copyright → BrandName {{ 'now' | date: '%Y' }}. All rights reserved" rule="{% hide_if manual %}"></content>
<content replace="{{content}}" rule="{% show_if manual %}"></content>

Complete Snippet


<editable name="copyright" label="Copyright statement">
<field type="checkbox" name="manual" label="Use manual date" default="false">
<field type="text" name="content" label="Content" default="Copyright &#169; BrandName 2016. All&nbsp;rights&nbsp;reserved"></field>
<content replace="Copyright &#169; BrandName {{ 'now' | date: '%Y' }}. All&nbsp;rights&nbsp;reserved" rule="{% hide_if manual %}"></content>
<content replace="{{content}}" rule="{% show_if manual %}"></content>