We've been busy building a rich text editor for Taxi, and we're almost ready to launch it.

A Rich Text editor has always been an important thing for us to add to Taxi | it means that editors can have finer control over text formatting without needing to resort to HTML code. 

However most of the off-the-shelf rich text editors, frankly, suck. Many of them inject their own code, or just plain mangle already fragile email code. One of the reasons we built Taxi was to avoid this kind of thing, so it's been important for us to get right.

Therefore we built a rich text editor from the ground up. One that only adds email friendly code, and one that allows template designers to have precise control over the code that does get added. In the longer term, there are also some exciting email-specific features we want to add on top.

It's not quite ready for prime time, but if you'd like to try the beta, send a quick message to support and we'll enable it for you.

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