Email Marketing
What makes a good subject line?
Subject lines are an important part of your email, so here's how to not mess them up.
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When difficult circumstances affect business operations, what should you remember to keep your marketing effective?
Whether local, national or global, a disruptive event can throw the most well-laid of business plans into uncertainty. Businesses tend to have continuity plans to ensure the company continues to operate close to maximum efficiency and effectiveness. However there is a risk that sales outreach and marketing takes a backseat, as effort shifts to hunkering down and protecting what the business already has.
But should marketing continue as usual? And can you keep communicating with your current customers as well as continuing to explore new avenues of opportunity? As marketers we pride ourselves on adaptability, resilience and creativity. Such traits will help us navigate these difficult circumstances, so let's use them! But where to start?
The teams at Taxi for Email and ActionRocket have come together to offer some advice, as recipients and as marketers, on how to keep on marketing during difficult and strange circumstances.
However you choose to continue marketing during difficult times, make sure that you take care of yourself - both physically and mentally. Work can seem difficult at an already overwhelming time so try to get, and keep, yourself in a positive mindset and in good health. We've all heard the old adage 'all good things come to an end'. Well, so do bad things. Keep yourself above water and when it all settles back down you'll come out on top.
For more hints and tips on how to market effectively during uncertain times, our friends Jordie van Rijn and John Walsh at have put together a post with even more advice on email marketing during a crisis.
Taxi helps marketing teams make better quality email, quicker, at a larger scale.