Use Taxi to quickly and easily create multiple branded email templates, derived from one master HTML.

Generating on-brand emails with quality content can be difficult when working around delicate HTML code. Creating email campaigns in an environment safe from damaging HTML can save you time and resources. Taxi for Email offers a solution, which allows you to hardcode a master template that cannot be broken or tampered with. Changes can only be made by your Taxi administrator if the master template has been designed in a way that allows it.

Hardcoded master templates will then be used as the foundation of all subsequent templates you create. These templates are called sub-templates' and can be edited to suit the demographic of specific mailing lists, brands and departments for example. Sub-templates follow the same structure as the master template but will allow flexibility in individual branding and content.

Using the Taxi visual editor, you can add content and play with design elements that don't corrupt the framework of the master template. This provides a lot of flexibility for design and content, but not so much flexibility that you can damage the email campaign you're working on. Our module zones will ensure that you will always build a cohesive, well-structured campaign that looks great in the inbox.

Creating one master template will give you control over maintaining sub-templates. For example, you might be creating emails for five different brands under one umbrella company. Maintenance and updates on the company's email campaigns can be done once in the master template. Any derived template that hasn't been individually branded can be fully maintained and updated using the master template, saving your design team time and resources.

Hardcoded master templates and sub-templates were a Taxi initiative, aimed at saving email marketers and designers time. The combined features within the Taxi template structure will ensure that your marketers and content creators will have more time to spend on marketing and content, and your designers will spend more time on design, ultimately increasing your email workflow and company processes.

Sub-Templates are available on selected Taxi plans.

Contact your customer success manager to see how they can help your email workflow.

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